Callout – 16/17 March 2024

Callout – 16/17 March 2024

At 16:50, NDSART were called by South Western Ambulance Service Trust to locate and evacuate a Ten Tors team from a remote location on Dartmoor. One of the team members was suffering from a medical condition and could not walk any further. We called on our sister team...
Callout – 22/23 February 2024

Callout – 22/23 February 2024

Ongoing major incident in Plymouth involving multi-agencies from across the South West. On Tuesday 20 February, Police were contacted regarding a recently discovered unexploded World War II device in a garden. Search and Rescue teams from across the South West were...
North Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team Activities 2023

North Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team Activities 2023

North Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team Activities 2023 We are firmly into 2024 now and the weather continues to treat us during our training sessions on Tuesday nights. 2023 was a busy year, but one of lots of celebrations and hard work from a lot of incredible people...
Callout – 4 January 2024

Callout – 4 January 2024

The Team were called out to assist a missing walker and dog from a known location near Yes Tor at 14:20, who had become disorientated and lost due to the low cloud. Upon finding the missing pair, the owner had no immediate medical concerns. However, the...